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Traffic Command


Traffic Command is a traffic light-controlling game at intersections. Your task is to click on the lights to change the color and keep the traffic smooth.

About Traffic Command

Welcome to a strategic game where players take on the role of a traffic controller who manages traffic lights at busy intersections! The objective is simple yet challenging: click on the traffic lights to change their colors and ensure smooth traffic flow while avoiding congestion and accidents.

Gameplay Mechanics

In Traffic Command, players are presented with multiple intersections filled with vehicles waiting at red lights. Your task is to switch the traffic lights between red and green at the right moment.

  • Green Light: Allows vehicles to pass through the intersection.
  • Red Light: Stops vehicles from entering the intersection.

This gameplay is completely different from Crossy Traffic because the Crossy Traffic game allows you to control your vehicle while this new game requires you to control traffic lights.

Key Objectives

  • Maintain Smooth Flow: Keep the traffic moving efficiently by timing your light changes strategically. Avoid letting vehicles wait too long at red lights to prevent frustration and congestion.
  • Prevent Accidents: Watch for oncoming traffic and ensure that vehicles do not collide. Timing is crucial; changing lights too late can lead to crashes.
  • Manage Multiple Intersections: As you progress, the Traffic Command game may introduce more intersections to manage simultaneously, increasing the complexity and challenge.

Tips for Success

  • Pay attention to the flow of vehicles to anticipate when to change the lights. Understanding peak times can help you make better decisions.
  • The game may become hectic, especially with multiple intersections. Keep a cool head to make quick decisions.
  • The key to success is mastering the timing of your light changes. Regular practice will help you improve your reaction times.