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Shell Shockers


Shell Shockers is a top-notch multiplayer shooter where real-time combat makes battles more exciting. Let's transform into an egg and use weapons in your way.

How to play

Because this new game is a real-time shooting game, there are more control keys compared to Slope Cyber.

How to control

In order to control your egg character, you can follow the guides below.

  • WASD - Move
  • Space - Jump
  • F - MeleeMouse 0 - Fire
  • Shift - Aim
  • R - Reload
  • E - Swap Weapon
  • Q - Grenade

When you master all these keys, you can be confident to enter official matches.

How to start a match

In order to start a match, you need to equip weapons for your character first. Let's move to the Inventory section to select available weapons or the Shop section to purchase new weapons.

After that, don't forget to return to the Home screen and press the Play button to start. When you press this Play button, you will join random matches.

In order to join matches following your interest, you can choose Play with Friends or Game Modes. These sections allow you to select one of four modes: Captula the Spatula, Team, Free for All, and King of the Coop. After you complete all these steps, you can enter the game arena and start fighting with other players. In order to practice to combat, you can enter Tag 2, another multiplayer game with various minigames to test your control skills.

Fighting guides

In this Shell Shockers game, in order to beat other players, you need to use your shooting skills. Let's shoot down enemies while avoiding their attacks. In particular, you can hide in any corner and wait for any opponents. Let's shoot them before they can see you. As a result, your winning rate is higher.

In addition, don't forget to upgrade your weapons to become more powerful and equip strong weapons to get the advantage in battles.